Previous Trips

Friday, 26 July 2019


Woke to the sound of the stream alongside the van. The stream is actually the Alegnon River but running very low at the moment. 

The very cosy aire by the Alegnon River - with shade. 
We spent a good deal of the day waiting for the rain to eventuate - the weather apps kept altering the time for the event to occur. It kept getting later! 

We could see it approaching, it even appeared to be overhead, but for quite some time it would not rain. Some thunder sounded in the distance but it always seemed to be a long way away. It probably wasn’t the rain we were looking forward to but the cooler temperatures that would accompanying the change. 
So we just kept occupied, reading, eating etc. 

When it did rain (at about 5 pm) it was very much an anticlimax - lasted about twenty minutes without much ferocity!  But just enough to drive us inside for the rest of the evening. 
So, a sintilating day, eh!

Also, completed another book. Ben Elton’s “Identity Crisis” - worth a read and very timely!

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Hobart, Tasmania, Australia