Previous Trips

Sunday, 14 July 2019


Went to bed last evening with six vans at the aire - when we left this morning there were twelve vans - some motorhomers travel late into the evening! We heard one pull up alongside side of us at 2.30am. 
We had a very early start with the intention of getting a good parking position in Toulouse. 

However, today is the 14th July - Bastille Day - and as we got close to the parking area in the city we came across signs barring traffic from entering the city!  Not too fussed, so we changed our plans and drove to Venerque where we spent the day by the river. 
The co-driver had hit the jackpot - a Bastille Day market! The locals were out in force with an expansive array of stalls. 

Both the driver and the co-driver were interested in material being handed out to do with a referendum in France. A lovely lady took some time with us to explain that the “Macron” (The President) was proposing to sell off the airports in Paris - and she was not happy with this. She mentioned that “he” has already sold off the airport in Toulouse, and,  that it has been a disaster for the last three years. 

Later in the evening we wandered along to the village park where they were holding a Bastille Day feast, accompanied by live music.

We are always interested in the level of security the French put in place for any outdoor happening. This evening it was the security man with a fairly aggressive muzzled dog. Other times it has been large bollards or trucks blocking access. 

The evening finished with a fireworks display at around 11pm. The music continued for the next hour or so - past our bedtime!

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Hobart, Tasmania, Australia